Our Commitment to You
We are unwavering in our dedication to engaging patient communities every step of the way, forging partnerships that allow us to deeply understand their perspectives and priorities and develop innovative medicines that truly address their needs. By doing this, we will advance science, improve treatments, and expand access faster than by working alone. Understanding the potential impact of our work, we operate with urgency to translate Entrada’s promising science into life-changing therapies.
The needs, preferences, and insights of the community shape the decisions made in our Board room and drive change throughout every phase of our development. Our leadership team includes individuals with a strong background in patient advocacy and the Duchenne advocacy community’s insights have informed the mutation targets we are currently pursuing.
We are guided by the following belief statements that enable us to translate our commitment into actions that serve those living with serious diseases. Each of us at Entrada will uphold this Commitment through our individual actions so we collectively succeed in making positive differences in patients’ lives.
We believe in:
Patients and care partners are experts who have unique and important insights essential to the process of developing and delivering truly transformational therapies.
We embrace the fact that no one is defined by their medical needs alone. Understanding the experiences of patients and families from a wide range of backgrounds and circumstances will equip us to contribute to supports and solutions that meaningfully improve the quality of patients’ lives around the globe.
We will learn from patients, care partners, and families about the disease that affects their lives, the aspects of it that are most challenging, and the types of and degrees of change that would make the biggest difference to them living as full a life as possible.
We recognize that treatment and care options available to patients and families are constantly being reshaped by science, policies, and economic factors, as well as an individual’s age, health status, preferences, and geographic location. We will stay curious about how all these factors may influence perspectives and priorities over time and in different parts of the world.
By engaging with patients and other community members around the world, our programs are informed by diverse community perspectives. These interactions also challenge and inspire us to give our very best every day.
We begin each new research effort by asking patients and family members about their experiences and build on that knowledge as the program progresses. We’ll use what we learn to inform near-term actions and longer-range plans.
We recognize discrimination and disparities in their many forms add to challenges for people living with serious diseases. To improve the future for all, we work with organizations that foster safe spaces for dialogue, challenge the status quo, and provide mentorship in helping us learn and grow.
We seek to understand patients’ benefit expectations and tolerance for risk and uncertainty to inform the ways we monitor, measure, and assess the ongoing safety and efficacy of therapies we are developing.
We will ask patients and families to identify potential obstacles and/or hardships so our clinical studies aren’t slowed by avoidable problems attracting participants or keeping them involved.
Collaborating with community-based organizations and other stakeholders will advance science, improve treatments, and expand access faster than by working alone.
We honor the trust that patients and families have placed in their advocacy organizations and the expertise and knowledge that resides within their teams. We will work shoulder to shoulder with advocates to speed up solutions, always respecting their independence and autonomy.
We strive to include our learnings from patients and families as core information we provide to health authorities so they too gain a better understanding and can use this information to make decisions about approval, coverage, reimbursement, and other issues that affect patient access.
We participate in collaborations among patient advocacy organizations, academic researchers, clinical experts, and other companies to raise awareness, attract resources, build on what has been learned, and address common pain points that hold back progress for patients.
Genuine relationships are built on a shared sense of purpose, clear and open communications, and treating each person as a valued contributor.
We aim to share timely updates about our plans and research findings. At times, the detailed laws, rules, and policies we must follow may limit how much information we can report. We will be as direct as possible about our limitations and how soon we might be able to share more details.
When we engage with patients, families, and advocates, we’ll describe what we hope to learn and be open to feedback about what we’ve done well and ways we can improve. We will report back on what we heard and how we will apply what we learned.
We strive to communicate about science and drug development using language and imagery that help everyone better understand and relate to our work and form appropriate expectations about it.
The Power of Shared Stories
At Entrada, we believe that your voice and story are essential. Each individual’s unique experiences help us learn more about unmet needs, enabling us to develop medicines that can have the greatest impact. Meet some of the inspiring families who have shared their stories with us.
Connect With Us
Every Entradan is united in our shared passion for connecting with patient communities. We attend and host meetings in order to listen, learn, and work towards solutions. We’d love to connect with you! Contact Sarah Friedhoff, our Head of Patient Advocacy, at patientadvocacy@entradatx.com.
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